Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I just wrapped up the first draft of my second novel, THE MAN IN THE WHITE TUXEDO, and passed it on to my loyal group of beta-readers (I could always use another - e-mail me at  WHITE TUXEDO is the first novel in a planned series, but I'm taking a break from the characters during the beta-reading process to move on to another novel I've had in mind for a while - THE BASEBALL GODS.

Tagline - "Judas Plotz is getting a second chance at baseball whether he likes it or not."

THE BASEBALL GODS Brief Synopsis - Judas Plotz blew his chance at playing Major League baseball, but he didn't care.  If fact, there wasn't much he cared about.  His biggest vice wasn't drugs or alcohol - it was a miserable, self-loathing sense apathy.

Judas was drafted in the 1st round out of high school and paid the big bucks by the New York Yankees, so he really wasn't bothered by the fact ESPN rated him the #1 Bone-Headed Bust All-Time.  Because of his lowly lifestyle, he was set for life on the interest he pulled off his signing bonus plus the royalties he made from his minor league blooper videos on YouTube.

Ten years later, Judas meets three unsavory characters while waiting tables at Juan's Taco Parlor, the sponsor for his adult league baseball team.  When they arrive unannounced and take the field at Judas's game that night, it becomes clear they are going to give Judas a second chance whether he likes it or not.  They are THE BASEBALL GODS.

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